the social   Fut coins   gaming community A panel on the crossover between mobile and social apps will feature Zynga general manager and vice president Paul Bettner and Playfish co founder Kristian Segerstrale Another panel The Rise of Social Gaming will ask executives from EA Kabam Disney and Zynga to forecast the next big trends in the social space However TechCrunch reports that Facebook s

HTML app project codenamed Spartan will not be unveiled at f as expected Spartan will expand the reach of Facebook games applications to Safari Android and desktop browsers unlocking the mobile market and significantly raising the total addressable market Facebook believes that the implications of Spartan are so great it would overshadow its other announcements so it will be unveiled at a separate event shortly after f Mediatonic named "one to recognise" by Sunday Times GamesIndustry

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Tags: Fut, coins, community, gaming, social, the


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