I daren't speak fut coins too soon but

I daren't speak fut coins too soon but I see a chink of light at the endof this dark tunnel in the form of the iWorm. This device -- which snakes around your http://www.fifacoinsltd.com/ shoulders liberates your arms by suspending a tablet or e-reader in front ofyou at the best distance and angle for your eyes. It works bothwhile standing and sitting. As the project's Kickstarter page says:"How many places can you imagine using this? I can name at leastover , ! Currently iWorm is only a prototype at this stage, but inventorJeffrey Gu has turned to Kickstarter to raise toturn it into a commercial product.

The device hooks over the user's shoulders and features a long,jointed arm that can be manoeuvred to the optimal position in frontof the wearer's eyes. Gu plans to make the back panel moreergonomic using memory foam, and add a tablet mount to the frontinstead of a plate with microsuction tape. He is already workingwith a company with offices in both California and Shenzen thatwill help to bring this product to fruition.

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Tags: I, but, coins, daren't, fut, soon, speak, too


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