So far so laptop buy fifa coins but the Twist

So far so laptop buy fifa coins but the Twist does have one pretty good partytrick up its sleeve: the screen is mounted on a single hinge, whichit self is mounted on a little rotating plate. Simply spin thedisplay around and lay it flat and hey presto, you've got yourselfa rather heavy tablet with adisplay that shifts its orientation to match whatever way you'reholding it.

You can also arrange it in "tent mode, so it stands like anupturned V for viewing movies press a button on the side and thedisplay will automatically reorientate to suit.

The GHz dual-core processor is backed by GB RAM and does adecent enough job of the performance chores. Ours came with a GBsolid state drive though you can also get it with a slower GBhard drive and i processor for a couple of hundred quid less.

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Tags: So, Twist, but, buy, coins, far, fifa, laptop, so, the


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