Play with this for yourself until you come Tesla Code Secrets Review   up with your own personal self talk gems that you can use to instantly realign your focus everyday. Feel free to send me yours for feedback and finetuning.Tuning in to the emotional state is one of the most effective power self help techniques there is. Every one of us is a transceiver - we both transmit and receive energy frequencies. Emotion is an energy that our transceiver both emits and receives.To truly create powerful lives our emotional and mental frequencies must match or a mixed signal will be transmitted, resulting in mixed manifestations. Relationships, finances, health, stress and other life factors will reflect the lack of alignment.We have all experienced hearing someone say something but deep down not really accept what they said as truth simply because it didn't 'feel right'. We picked up that their emotional frequency did not match their verbal expression.

A very simple way to build awareness of our daily emotional temperature is to journal, preferably using the morning pages technique of writing three pages nonstop every morning directly upon awakening. It is important that none of what is written is read for at least one month. Reviewing the material after this period of time will reveal lots of inner concerns, desires and fears that can be addressed to strengthen inner alignment.Emotional temperature checks, emotional release and alignment of emotions are basic power self help and leadership skill techniques I teach to clear, release, harness and direct our emotional power.This Power Self Help article is but a brief foray into three of the most important and simplest power self help techniques that can assist us to create lives that fulfill both our inner and outer needs and desires.

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