Planning to Fifa coins do anything

Planning to Fifa coins do anything special for International Talk Like a Pirate Day? KM: We're actually the official game of Talk Like Fut 14 coins a Pirate Day, and we've actually met with Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy to develop avatars based on them and add them to the game. So you can meet the TLAP guys in Pirates of the Burning Sea

GS UK: Is there guild creation in this game besides picking up three different nations? Can you form your own guild and name it and fight (PVP) with your guild buddies? KM: Absolutely. Our societies are the basic guild structure for the game, and as we move forward we'll be adding more-advanced guild-management functionality as well as guild-based PVP mechanics

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Tags: Fifa, Planning, anything, coins, do, to


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