One example fifa coins would be navigation

One example fifa coins would be navigation. If you're driving an oldervehicle without a dedicated GPS device and constantly glancing downat your phone to find out the next turn, that's an inherentlyunsafe behaviour. Google Glass could rectify that by displayingwaypoints and turns in advance, without the driver having to lookaway from the road and at a separate screen.

Howell, a self-described libertarian, maintains that it's thedevice manufacturer that should set safety guidelines for use,saying that the system could "block certain information when thedriver goes over a predetermined speed.

For now, if the amendment doesn't come out before March, it'sdead for the year, at which point the legislature would introduce aStudy Resolution to do more research and discuss the technologywith companies.

Views: 6

Tags: One, be, coins, example, fifa, navigation, would


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