Not only do fut coins companies appear

Not only do fut coins companies appear to have their appetite back, but they also have the capacity to transact, which is indicated by the forecast net debt to ratio, which shows an expected improvement of 15 percent over the next year. Over the last 2 years, the trend has been for steadily rising capacity driven by companies focus on reducing debt to be tempered by an equally steady decline in confidence.

However, the tides seem to be finally turning as over the past 6 months, global confidence is actually rising to match capacity. In comparison with June 2012, the difference in appetite is dramatic. In the previous edition of KPMG International s M&A Predictor, analyst predictions showed that appetite levels for M&A were falling across the board. In other words - confidence was dropping everywhere. At the end of 2012, confidence is rising in almost every country covered by the data. Clearly, a lot can happen in 6 months.

Views: 7

Tags: Not, appear, coins, companies, do, fut, only


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