Morris goes fifa coins to great pains

Morris goes fifa coins to great pains to highlight the fact that Daybeesdoesn't list only those events that offer a revenue share to theplatform, it tries to list any event. It does this by scraping theweb using its own algorithms with web crawlers to find any eventtaking place -- ticketed or unticketed. It can extract data fromthese event pages and assimilate them in a complex data stack. Thisis then formatted, tagged, categorised and compiled. It uses aproprietary merging tool to make sure that events that have beenlisted on a number of various sites register as the same one.

Currently, users have to either rely on the editorialised guidescreated by the likes of Time Out and other listings sites,or ticketing companies like Ticketmaster, which onlyshow events that they are going to make money out of. While largecities such as London might be well-served by these models, it'sharder when you live further afield.

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Tags: Morris, coins, fifa, goes, great, pains, to


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