Lever mused fifa coins on the possibility

Lever mused fifa coins on the possibility that primeval chemical systemswith a tendency to replicate themselves, not quite alive yetsomething more than http://www.goldstarkr.com/ inanimate, might have accreted around hydrogen-and sulphur-generating processes in the oceanic crust.

What's proposed is that before there was life, there was thisorganic matter-producing chemical reaction going on, said Lever.Life might have originated around the iron and sulphur compoundsfuelling that reaction, evolving to produce biomass and harvestenergy.

Such ideas are speculative, emphasised Lever, and Teske preferred to think about the implications for life elsewhere. WhatI find interesting here is not so much the origin of life, but thepersistence of life he said.

As long as there's space for microbes, and biochemistry, lifepersists, Teske continued. "Deep subsurfaces could be the besthiding place for life on other planets, where surface conditionsare too harsh but the right chemical conditions are availablebelow.

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Tags: Lever, coins, fifa, mused, on, possibility, the


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