It may also fut coins be significant that the EU is hosting asession on cold fusion in Brussels on June. Organised by ENEA,Italy's nuclear research agency, it's called "New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect: pavingthe way for a potential new clean renewable energy source"andwill be attended by Herbert von Bose, director of the EU'sIndustrial Technologies Programme, and US cold fusion researchersfrom the University of Missouri where there is a well-funded cold fusion research program.
There are many questions still be to be answered. Butthe new report might just provide the kick needed to get thoseanswers. Will EU taxpayers support a project to establish once andfor all whether this is a gigantic con, or the biggest newtechnology of the century?Html Embed is Resize Handler Wrapper landscape prevent Gallery Open pullToSide hasCaption Sugar Is Bitter To Bait-Averse CockroachesAlexander Holladay Bad news for those trying to capture cockroaches with traps --it looks like they can evolve over time to escape death by evolvingto taste sweet things as bitter.
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