Bone cancer is an infrequent disease. The reasons for its appearance are a number of factors, including:
Suffered injuries. And the injury could have been received even more than 10 years ago
Single or multiple ionizing radiation in large doses
Genetic predisposition: increased the likelihood of bone cancer in people with retinoblastoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome (a genetic defect when the risk of oncology increases even at a young age), Rotmund-Thomson syndrome (skin, bone disorders, etc.)
Paget's disease: this pathology changes the mechanism of bone repair, which causes bone abnormalities
The secondary variant of the disease develops against the background of metastasis from breast, lung, prostate growth. Less often there is a spread of metastasis on the bones in tumors of other organs.
Children and young people under the age of 30 are at risk, doctors say. Bone cancer is most commonly diagnosed in men aged 17-30. But in the elderly such pathology is rare.
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