When Your Aging Pet urns Visits the Veterinarian

As your Pet urns ages it’s really important to establish a good communication line with your Veterinarian for additional attention and care. One of the highest priorities is to begin a “Senior Wellness Program”. This type of program involves bringing your pet into the Vet for at least two full examinations per year so that any problems or difficulties can be caught and addressed at early stages. Pets age in many of the same ways that people do. They can have disorders that may not be apparent such as diabetes, arthritis and even heart conditions. Early detection should include an exam, full blood work panel and a feces sample. You know your pet family member better than anyone and are aware of things that may have changed with your beloved furred one. Be sure to report both physical and behavioral changes that you have observed as this can help the Vet diagnose potential situations. If there are disease states that are discovered, you may have to begin a medication regiment for your pet. Pets respond to medicines in similar ways that humans do and you must be attentive to your pet when they are placed on medications. Some pets do quite well and respond within a few days or weeks, while others may have an interaction that can cause vomiting, lack of appetite, behavior differences or intestinal problems. Be sure to discuss any expected reactions with your Vet and report any difficulties immediately. Your Veterinarian will often have alternative medications to prescribe that will be more accommodating for your pet.

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