One of the cheapest swtor credits reasons you're able to build something coollike Mailbox is that email is an open system. Other ways peopleshare, like Tweets and Facebook posts, are much more controlled,and there's been a trend toward that kind of control. Do you everworry that companies like Google will make it harder to get atemail, thus undermining Mailbox? Mailbox talks to Gmail the same way that the native mail clientdoes on your iPad, the same way that Mail app does on OS X. We'reIMAP. And I suppose it's possible that Gmail could decide to shutoff IMAP. It's hard to imagine a world without it that makes sense.So it's not a very high concern on our list.
I wasn't before Mailbox but I am now. In fact, percent ofour users get to inbox zero at least once a week which is kind ofcrazy That is a little crazy. Do you use the "GTD, GettingThings Done, system? I've read the book. The challenge that we struggle with a littlebit that led to Mailbox was that things like GTD are great if youhave all this discipline, if you build in place all these practicesthat you religiously follow, but most people don't have thethroughput to do that, the discipline.
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