LEVELS 31-50 ALTERNATIVES - REGULAR CROSSBOWS. Even though Dorgeshuun Cbow is excellent for leveling in RuneScape gold this phase you might still need something different. If you can manage to lose some money and want a different weapon you may use regular crossbows. Although they have better bonuses than Dorgeshuun they cost much more. Price of Adamant Bolts on Grand Exchange today is right now over 30 times larger than the purchase price of Bone Bolts which makes using those a significant money waste. This is just another great weapon after your bone shooting companion. Using Magic Shortbow you can utilize Rune arrows to shred your competitors. It has a special attack which allows you to hit twice with a single shot. You can additionally imbue you Magic Shortbow using a special scroll that you can get for quite cheap from Grand Exchange. This will greatly enhance the accuracy of the weapon as well as lower the price of special attack from 55% to 50%. From level 61 you should begin using Rune Crossbow that can shoot Bolts up to the Runite tier. It's better overall stats than Magic Shortbow but does not have a special attack. If you have level 55 Slayer you can utilize Broad Bolts that are a much cheaper alternative to the Runite ammunition. They give a marginally worse bonus for your strikes but they cost approximately four times . If you can't manage Rune Bolts or do not meet Slayer prerequisites for Broad Bolts then stick to Magic Shortbow with Rune Arrows. This weapon ought to be used as your main one until level 75 since better ones are extremely expensive to get and also to use in general.

LEVELS 64+ DRAGON CROSSBOW. At level 64 you can sew a much better alternative to Rune Crossbow. This is a really pricey weapon because its cost varies around 4mil. Dragon Crossbow is the primary one to take Dragon Bolts that are better than their Rune alternative but also cost more. If you have money to invest this is the next weapon to get and should not just skip this part.

LEVELS 70+ ARMADYL CROSSBOW. Similarly to Dragon Crossbow, this is a very small increase to your Ranged ability that will cost you a good deal. If you have enough money then go for it and buy one but if not you may want to skip this part. As mentioned before boost to your ability is minimal and the cost is huge. This is going to be your late game weapon as it's quite a bit more affordable than options and does a fantastic job. The blowpipe is a few times more economical than Armadyl Crossbow but it requires Zulrah Scales to bill which will cost you extra. It can shoot as much as a Dragon Darts and contains an wonderful special attack that increases damage dealt and heals the consumer. This should be used as your main weapon till you become extremely wealthy.

There are also two honorable mentions to special weapons: DRAGON HUNTER CROSSBOW. Is a similar weapon to Dragon Crossbow in terms of stats but it's an amazing 30% bonus to hurt whilst fighting Dragons. It's the best weapon to farm on those creatures and due to that costs over 100mil. TWISTED BOW. It acts differently than other Ranged weapons which have a set strength in their own attacks. Twisted Bow scales its damage and precision determined by Magic Level of your competitor. Due to that, it is ideal for fighting bosses but not so great at normal training. Since it unique effect is indeed desirable it costs over 1bil.

EQUIPMENT. Armor/legs/gloves - For your torso bit you should begin using Leather Armor. At level 20 Ranged/Defence you'll be able to switch it to cheap OSRS gold Studded Leather and following level 30 you can wear Snakeskin Armor. After that out of level 40 you can begin wearing D'hides. For green which is weakest, you will need Dragon Slayer quest. If you do not need to do it only wait until level 50 and use Blue D'hide rather than

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